30 October 2023

Oh No!


The Minnesota House just passed the bill legalizing marajuana.  Their senate will soon follow.  Iowa will then be surrounded on three sides with the horrific spector of legal marijuana coming into the State from three sides.  What will we do?  

The answer of our law enforcement personnel is very simple - - put more people in jail, give more people criminal records, collect more garbage in the middle of the night, obtain search warrants so that you house can be flooded with strangers with guns pointed at you for having some marijuana residue somewhere on the premises.  It's all very entertaining - - for some.

On the other hand, it is a clear sign that our law enforcement people don't have enough to do.  Like writing a traffic ticket where someone didn't come to a complete stop on a deserted street in the middle of the night with not a moving car in sight.  These actions by our law enforcement can only be the product to two things:  boredom or meanness or maybe both.

The notion that our local police are here to serve and protect is a difficult proposition to accept some days.  They give no sign of serving or protecting when they go busting into someone's house looking for a bag of weed or give someone a traffic ticket for no purpose whatsoever other than to give themselves something to do.

And although law enforcement gives a great deal of effort to convincing the public that they are there to protect them and to serve them, it is clear that they are not there for either of these two purposes.  They are there to enforce the laws of the State of Iowa regardless of what they may be or who it will affect.  Don't care.  Not their concern.  I will say they are normally polite when they do it; which is for the simple reason that there are less complaints if you are needlessly giving people a problem while smiling.

Richard E H Phelps II


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