30 October 2023

Don't Let Them Vote


If we haven’t had enough to deal with, like homosexuals, now we have to deal with people that claim they are “transgender”.  You know - - enough already!  Not only should we have a national religion, we should have a national sexuality and that should be straight, heterosexual sex:  you know, like between a man and a woman.

It’s not only the right thing to do, but it’s Biblical and if it’s Biblical, then it’s got to be the right thing.  If someone is going to hell for sinning, there really is no reason to let them vote - - somebody like them might actually get elected like that guy from Indiana who is now Secretary of Transportation.  Can you believe it, Biden put a gay guy in charge of our highways.  How bad is that?

We need to have our sexual identity on our driver’s license:  if straight an S, if gay a G, if transgender a T, and if you don’t have any sexual identity at all, you really do need to start over - - no voting for you!  So let’s give this the thought it deserves shall we.  The only way we are going to keep gays and transgenderites out of public office is to make sure they can’t vote.  And there is nothing anti-American about this.

We have been discriminating against people ever since we have been a country and before and, I for one, see no reason to stop now.  When we first started only white males that owned property could vote, and I know our women folk won’t think much of this, but black men were allowed to vote before them, and not without good reasons either.  Our wives thought they should actually have a say in how things were run.  Not a good idea at all.  Things were just fine the way they were.  After all, doesn’t the Bible say to keep you women folk silent in the congregation.  And if it’s in the Bible, that’s the way it should be.

Now I know the Democrats will not support this nor anyone who claims to be a liberal - - a bunch of pansies is what they are!.  This is another reason to vote Republican - - they are a lot more likely to agree and do something about this situation than those bunch of pinkos who think everyone ought to be equal.  They don’t even believe in capitalism.  So, show you are a real American and contact your local candidates; it all starts at the local level; and with enough grassroots support, I think our State legislature would be receptive given the chance.

Richard E H Phelps


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