13 February 2024

You Tell Me


Our governor is on the right track here, she has decided that neither you nor I are able to determine our own sex.  Unfortunately she has identified only two - - male and female.  Apparently some unidentified person who is in charge of filling out birth certificates at the place of birth will be the one who makes the decision as to your sex.

Sex here is referring to the biological distinction between someone with a vagina and someone with a penis.  These are to be the determining factors in the determination of a person's sex.  Now as one grows older and begins to have some doubts about the apparatus they were born with, it won't really matter because you will be stuck with the word on your birth certificate "male" or "female".  You will never find a birth certificate with the word "uncertain"; simply won't happen.

And as I mentioned above, the government should have the right to tell you what sex you are.  After all, it's the government and the government is in charge; if it so desires it can tell you who you are and what you are.  We have a long history of this.  It really doesn't matter what you think about yourself; you're not the one to decide your own identity; thankfully you will be able to avoid all identity crises - - no longer necessary.  

I do think, however, that the governor may be making a tactical mistake in limiting the choice to two - - male or female.  In our current thinking on the subject, there are such things as gender identity, gender fluidity, etc.  Some people, either by choice or by actual bodily features would prefer to identify as something other than just male or female.  This, it would seem, to be a proper area of discussion when debating this proposed statute.  Maybe they could sneak in a third category somewhere without alienating too many constituents.   

So, simply a word of caution, let's give this some thought to make sure that what we need to be  included in this proposed bill actually gets in there.   By the way, the proposal is entitled House File 2389 and apparently introduced by the Education Committee of the House (what education has to do with it, I can't imagine) and I recommend you all take a look at it.  It will give you a proper perspective on who and what you are even if it is not adopted and signed into law.

Richard E H Phelps II


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