03 December 2023

Let's Talk Lot


Recently rereading the Biblical story of Lot, it once again occurred to me what an interesting family we had there.  Considering he was the nephew of  Abraham, he did have a pretty good lineage.  According to the Biblical account,  a couple of angels visited Lot to give him some bad tidings - - his hometown was to be obliterated.  

Now if this wasn't enough for Lot, the locals apparently became interested in copulating with the two visiting  angels,  Now whether this was to accomplish intercourse with the deity or the need for a new and different sexual experience is uncertain.  The Biblical story is a little short on details here.

Apparently the authorities were not in the neighborhood as the mob was pounding on the door. Lot, wanting to protect the messagers from heaven, offered his two daughters to the mob as appeasement.  Now this really doesn't say much for Lot that he was going to throw his two daughters out the door to be gang raped.  The passage is silent on what his wife may have thought of the idea, but apparently whatever she did think, was irrelevant.

Well, apparently both the angels and the daughters escaped being gang raped by the mob of Sodomites.  The angels blinded the mob of wishful sodomites so they were unable to fulfill their quest;  but that is not the end of the story.  The family was instructed not to look back at Sodom as they were fleeing.  Apparently, they were not to witness the mass slaughter of their neighbors and other citizens of the city.  Unfortunately, Missus Lot couldn't help herself and looked back and for that lack of obedience was turned into a pillar of salt.  Not just bad luck - - do what you're told is the lesson here.

Now why the deity wanted no witnesses is unclear.  I've always been a little suspect when someone does things without explanation or witnesses. Of course, in this instance, there was an explanation - - wickedness.  I'm not quite sure what this wickedness was other than a desire to copulate with angels, but apparently throwing your two daughters to the mob was not considered something wicked.  It was suggested by the visitors that Lot should flee post haste and save himself from obliteration even after offering his daughters to multiple sexual encounters with strangers and such.  So much for gang rape.

The story doesn't end here though.  After leaving Sodom for the mountains, which after all may have been a dreary and lonesome place, the two daughters decided that if they were ever going to give birth (to carry on the family line), they were going to have to do it with dad.  So they got him drunk two nights in a row and as they say, "lay with dad".  And a happy ending resulted since they were apparently both ovulating at the same time.

As I said at the top, a rather interesting family.  Of course, here in the States, they all would be in jail and considered criminals and on the sex offender registry. Clearly the local deity was not adverse to mass murder and leveling whole cities plus a little gang rape  and intra-family breeding  was no big deal either.   So there you have it, the story of Lot.

Richard E H Phelps II


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