06 November 2023

Political Pronouncements



As I have previously mentioned, I follow Ernst, Grassley, Feenstra, and Reynolds on twitter.  Very edifying I might add.  They give you the key to running for office and more particularly, staying in office.  These people must have professional tweeters on their staffs along with a person who follows them around with a cell phone camera.  Almost all tweets are accompanied by a photo of the senator, representative, or governor in the company of some Iowan, both smiling with a caption reading how fortunate the politician is to be visiting with this person or persons when we all know that it is the civilian that bloats and gloats about the visit and the photo and who will then vote for the politician from then to forever.


Governor Branstad perfected this method of retaining an elective office.  Governor Branstad had one objective in life and that was to be governor of Iowa and he succeeded wonderfully.  My understanding is that he had his photo taken with someone every workday of the week and sometimes on weekends—never resting.  He and the trooper driving him saw a whole lot of Iowa.  Once you have your picture taken with the elected official, and especially if it makes the paper or TV, you are theirs forever.


This brings us to the print part of the tweets.  The world is going to hell and its Biden’s fault.  Every single thing that can possibly go wrong with your life is a result of something the democrats did somewhere to something.   Without exception.  They can say it’s the democrats’ fault because they as a group have voted against everything that could possibly make a difference.  Well yes, there are a couple of exceptions, but nothing that would contradict the pronouncements that everything bad is the result of something the democrats did and the horror of it all.  Of course, there is always immigration, but that is a different matter.


Now this piece is not for the purpose of praising democrats and repudiating republicans, it is simply the observations of someone who follows our current crop of legislators and governor on twitter.  It may very well be that if they were all democrats they would be blaming all the world’s ills on the republicans.  Either way, you can’t believe anything that is tweeted other than the fact that they actually had their picture taken with an Iowan who is now proudly flaunting that fact.  You wonder if they all went to class and were instructed on how to convince the public they are actually doing something and have the public’s  interest in mind when serving in whatever capacity they are serving in, while accomplishing nothing but complaining about something someone else did or didn’t do.


You, as a voter and Iowan, must at some point decide whether these people know anything at all or are just saying stuff to get you all worked up and to continue voting for them.  If you, as an informed voter ought to be, are knowledgeable at all about what we call current events, you know  these people say anything that comes into their head whether it has any basis in fact or not.  And, if you don’t know otherwise, you buy it.  This is politics in Iowa; makes you proud doesn’t it.


                           Richard E H Phelps II


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