01 November 2023



Americans have the right, long established and revered, in believing in nonsense.  In fact, it's constitutionally mandated that nonsense be held inviolate.  One is ostracized most vigorously when suggesting this.  The fact that a particular street needs resurfacing because of the increasing number of pot holes is not nonsense; to believe that the failure to do so will result in an economic debacle is nonsense however so many people may believe it.

I have suggested in the past that one follow our elected representatives on twitter for the full flavor of nonsensical pronouncements.  It would appear, although I have no proof, that our elected representatives have either a person specially hired to write nonsense  continually, all day long, or that someone has created an algorithm to do it for them for  the tweets purporting to come from them are regular and continuous.

These pronouncements haven't come to the point of suggesting the moon is made of cheese, but we are getting close.  Randy Feenstra and Joni Ernst both have twitterdomitis and continually have nonsense published under their names.  Now, this can be the result of only two things:  one, they are truly ignorant; or two, they have no shame.  Whichever the case, it reflects really poorly on the electorate - - those of us who vote.  It would seem to me, that if in fact we are "the greatest nation the earth has ever seen", as stated by Randy Feenstra, having people in power who spout nonsense, and not just once in a while but continuously, might lead to dubious results.

One of the quickest ways to determine if something that someone is saying is nonsense, is to ask them how they came to this particular opinion.   They will either not have an answer to the question or if so, it will be an unrelated matter (more nonsense) that is so illogical that it doesn't even bear a response.  As a most famous conservative once said about the pronouncements of  a locally notorious divine, "It's neither true nor false, it is nonsense".

So when someone makes a statement to you in a casual conversation which is clearly nonsense, the response must be that "What you are saying is neither true nor false, it's nonsense!"

Richard E H Phelps II


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