08 November 2023

A Missed Opportunity


We have missed a great opportunity and by we I mean Jasper County.  A very large metal cage has appeared in a back room on the third floor of the county courthouse.  It apparently has been built without much notice or publicity and it has simply appeared.  The opportunity that we have missed is its location.

There is no reason to hide the fact that we now have a cage to put our refractory citizens in when having to appear for some reason at the courthouse.  The cage is quite close to the large courtroom, so it is convenient; but again, we really have missed this opportunity to showcase our malefactors.

If I had known that such a thing was to be constructed, I would have lobbied for it to be placed in the center of the rotunda on the main floor so that we can properly showcase the people we have incarcerated.  Historically, punishment has been a very public affair:  we had stocks, we had branding, we had tar and feathers, we had cages hung on high in public places holding people until they fell apart - - all sorts of public displays of people determined to be criminals.  It is a historically valid point of view and one that should not be dismissed out of hand.

Now, apparently, we hide the fact that we have people in cages - - they are not on public display and I think that is simply unacceptable.  If we are going to put a person in a metal cage in the courthouse, I think it should be where everyone can view it.  I would suggest one possibility, if not in the rotunda,  near where people vote during elections, but I don't think there is quite enough room for it.  Possibly we could have two small cages rather than one big one.  The electorate should be fully aware of what happens to people who misbehave.

Apparently, the construction of this cage was not generally known so little public input was available.  I really do think that when any renovations are to be done at the courthouse, the general public should be informed so that there is some input on the decisions to be made.  After all, it is a public place and the public should have some say in what is done with it and, after all, they are the ones who may end up in the cage.

Richard E H Phelps II


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