17 August 2010

16 August 2010

Court service day in Jasper County was difficult. We had three judges present since the attempted murder trial was continuing. Don't know how that has turned out. Judge Husher was handling court services for the felony docket that we have on Mondays. I inherited a case from the Public Defender's Office because of a conflict with a co-defendant. It is a lottery ticket case. They have the fellow charged with forgery for using a stolen lottery ticket. I will have to look at the code and make a determination as to the viability of the charge. I can't see it as a forgery unless the code specifically defines it as such. The other two cases that I had, were continued for the reason that the county attorney handling them was in trial on the attempted murder case. The third case was set for trial today--a case that I received just last Wednesday. A possession of marijuana case. The young lady did not have an attorney and the judge knew I would go to trial if she really wanted to go. Why not? A simple one-day case doesn't take much preparation.

I was also in Powshiek County pleading a defendant and sentencing her at the same time. She was given time served and it would have been a difficult case to try. One point to remember when pleading someone in Powshiek. They do have petitions to plead guilty if you look hard enough. The clerk came up with one, but the county attorney had no clue--didn't know if they had one available or not. Take one when you go there so it is not an issue. The judge didn't think much of the one the clerk's office came up with, but eventually accepted it. No record was made because it was a misdemeanor. Pretty informal--almost too informal.

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