28 February 2025

It's the Name Thing


As our legislature's primary duty is to make life more difficult for as many people as possible, I have another suggestion that has some merit for inclusion in their legislative priorities for the remainder of the current session.  We need a law that prohibits hyphenated names.  

Hyphenated names are far worse than transgender pronouns.  After all hyphenated pronouns are one syllable and SHORT.  On the other hand hyphenated names cause all sorts of problems for those of us trying to figure out how to address someone in the correct manner without offense.  

Oftentimes these hyphenated names are lengthy and cumbersome to use, and, I might add, unnecessary.  Simply because these "modern" women want to carry on their name just like their husbands do; it is not a sufficient reason to give their kid a hyphenated name.  These are more than likely the same women who believe they have a right to an abortion and that thought alone should give you the incentive to call your legislator and demand action.

The legislature could even criminalize it.  They enjoy making new criminals every year, this would give them a golden opportunity to make some more.  Not only should they prohibit any legal recognition in the future of such hyphenated names, they could prohibit current driver's licenses or identification cards to have them - - limiting them to one name now.  People would be flocking to the courthouse to get their name changed.  What fun would that be: serve them right.

Now some of you may object that it is none of the legislature's business to demand one last name only, but just look at what they are doing now, simply to find something to do while still in session, banning transgender.  Now if you can ban transgender, which is a biological fact, you certainly can ban hyphenated names which is not biological, but merely a modern fad generated by women who think they should be equal to men in respect to their children's names and refuse to change their names when they get married.

And as always, as a criminal defense attorney, I am in favor of new crimes and criminals.  Our business is booming thanks to our legislature who continue to think that since they are legislators they have to pass legislation whether needed or not simply to have something to do and what is even better,  it is usually to prohibit some behavior of which they do not approve.  Hyphenated names should be at the top of the list.

Richard E H Phelps II
